 WANG Kun,ZHAO Weijun*.Characteristics of Seedling/Sapling Regenerations and Their Response to Topographic Factors in a Large Dynamic Monitoring Sample Plot of Picea Crassifolia Forest in the Qilian Mountains,China[J].Mountain Research,2024,(5):623-639.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000849]





Characteristics of Seedling/Sapling Regenerations and Their Response to Topographic Factors in a Large Dynamic Monitoring Sample Plot of Picea Crassifolia Forest in the Qilian Mountains,China
王坤1 赵维俊2*
(1.北京理工大学珠海学院 中美国际学院,广东 珠海 519088; 2. 甘肃省祁连山水源涵养林研究院 甘肃省祁连山森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站,甘肃 张掖 734000)
WANG Kun1 ZHAO Weijun2*
(1. College of Global Talents, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, Zhuhai 519088, Guangdong, China; 2. State Positioning Observation and Research Station of Forest Ecosystem of the Qilian Mountain, Gansu Province Academy of Water Resources Conservation Forest of the Qilian Mountains, Zhangye 734000, Gansu, China )
青海云杉 幼苗幼树 地形因子 大野口流域 祁连山
Picea crassifolia seedling/sapling topographic factor the Dayekou basin the Qilian Mountains
森林天然更新是生态恢复与重建的关键路径,对维持森林的动态稳定和可持续发展具有至关重要的作用。其中幼苗幼树阶段是决定森林天然更新质量和数量的关键时期。地形作为森林天然更新的主要环境驱动因子之一,对幼苗幼树生长具有显著影响。相关研究过去依赖在海拔梯度样地或样带的取样方法,取样强度相对较小,难以全面揭示反映更新苗的更新格局与分布特征。本文以祁连山中段大野口流域青海云杉动态监测大样地(340 m×300 m)内幼苗幼树为研究对象,采集幼苗幼树的密度、地径、株高、冠幅和DEM(分辨率为12.5 m)数据,基于ArcGIS构建数据库,分析坡向、坡度、坡位、高程对幼苗幼树更新特征的影响,探讨不同地形位指数下的幼苗幼树更新特征。同时,采用K-means聚类将研究区域划分为6种不同地形生境,分析不同生境下的更新特征。结果表明:(1)幼苗幼树的密度为北向坡高于西坡,幼苗幼树的地径、株高、冠幅为西坡高于北向坡; 坡度较高区域,幼苗幼树的密度较高,幼苗幼树的地径、株高、冠幅较低; 幼苗幼树的密度在中坡位最高,幼苗幼树的地径、株高、冠幅在上坡位最高; 高程越低,幼苗幼树的密度越大,幼苗幼树的地径、株高、冠幅越小。(2)幼苗幼树的密度在高地形位阴坡、高地形位半阴坡、低地形位半阴坡较大,幼苗幼树的地径、株高、冠幅在高地形位半阳坡较大。(3)幼苗幼树均在东南角集聚密度最高,在同一地形因子下幼苗密度均高于幼树密度。(4)幼苗幼树的地径、株高、冠幅均与密度呈现出显著负相关,地径、株高、冠幅之间呈极显著正相关,与部分地形因子呈显著和极显著相关。本研究结果可为祁连山青海云杉林天然更新的评估提供理论依据,也为青海云杉林幼苗幼树的科学管理提供参考,为类似区域同类研究提供借鉴。
Forest natural regeneration is a pivotal course for ecological restoration and reconstruction, playing a crucial role in maintaining dynamic stability and sustainable development of forests. The seedling/sapling stage is a critical period that determines the quality and quantity of forest natural regeneration. Topography, as one of the main environmental driving factors for forest natural regeneration, significantly influences the growth of saplings and seedlings. Previous studies, relying on sampling methods at elevation gradient plots or transects, had relatively low sampling intensities, making it difficult to comprehensively reveal the regeneration patterns and distribution characteristics of regenerating seedlings.
In this study, seedlings/saplings of Picea crassifolia(Qinghai spruce)in a large dynamic monitoring sample plot(340 m×300 m)in the Dayekou watershed in the middle part of the Qilian Mountains were measured for evaluation of topography effects on natural regeneration. It collected data on the density, ground diameter, height, crown width of seedlings/saplings, and DEM(with a resolution of 12.5 m). A database was constructed using ArcGIS to analyze the impact of slope aspect, slope gradient, slope position, and elevation on the characteristics of seedling/sapling regenerations. The regeneration characteristics under different topographic position indices were also explored. Additionally, K-means clustering analysis was used to divide six topographic habitats with regeneration characteristics.
(1)The density of seedlings/saplings was higher on north-facing slopes than on west-facing slopes, while their ground diameter, height, and crown width were greater on west-facing slopes than on north-facing slopes. In areas with higher slopes, the density of seedlings/saplings was higher, but their ground diameter, height, and crown width were lower; the density of seedlings/saplings peaked at mid-slope positions, and their ground diameter, height, and crown width peaked at upper slope positions; the lower the elevation, the greater the density of seedlings/saplings were, and the smaller their ground diameter, height, and crown width were.
(2)The density of seedlings/saplings was greater on shaded slopes and semi-shaded slopes of high topographic position, and semi-shaded slopes of low topographic position; the ground diameter, plant height, and crown spread of seedlings/saplings were greater on semi-positive slopes of high topographic position.
(3)The density of seedlings/saplings is the highest in the southeast corner of the plot, with higher density of seedlings than that of saplings.
(4)The ground diameter, plant height and crown width were extremely significantly positively correlated with each other and they were significantly negatively correlated with density, while they were significantly or extremely significantly correlated with some topographic factors.
This study can provide a theoretical basis for evaluation of natural regeneration of Picea crassifolia forest in the Qilian Mountains, as well as a reference for the scientific management of seedlings/saplings of Picea crassifolia forest, or related studies in similar areas.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2024- 08- 07; 改回日期(Accepted date):2024- 09-22
基金项目(Foundation item): 国家自然科学基金(32060247)。[National Natural Science Foundation of China(32060247)]
作者简介(Biography): 王坤(1990-),女,甘肃兰州人,博士,讲师,主要研究方向:生态经济。[WANG Kun(1990-), female, born in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, Ph.D., lecturer, research on ecological economics] E-mail: wangkundoris@outlook.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 赵维俊(1981-),男,博士,研究员,主要研究方向:森林与土壤生态。[ZHAO Weijun(1981-), male, Ph.D., professor of research, research on forest and soil ecology] E-mail: zhaoweijun1019@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-30