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Layout Optimization of Debris Flow Check Dam Cascade Based on Numerical Simulation
王 浩1张金涛1代 林1王全才2王继华3
(1. 河南大学 建筑工程学院,河南 开封 475000; 2. 中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,成都 610213; 3. 河南省自然资源监测和国土整治院,郑州 450000)
WANG Hao1 ZHANG Jintao1 DAI lin1 WANG Quancai2 WANG Jihua3
(1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University, Kaifeng 475000, Henan, China; 2. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Ministry of Water Resources, Chengdu 610213, China; 3. Institute of Natural Resources Monitoring and Comprehensive Land Improvement of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450000, China)
泥石流 拦挡坝群 数值模拟 优化设计
debris flow debris flow check dam cascade numerical simulation layout optimization
在工程实践中,常采用拦挡坝群协同布局防治泥石流灾害。泥石流翻越首坝后,其运动状态会发生显著变化,次级坝体的受力状况以及整体的防治效果,均会受到坝体间距和坝体结构的重要影响。前期研究关注单一坝体,对坝群间距如何影响坝体承载模式及防治效果尚缺乏认识。本文基于野外实地勘察,利用ANSYS-Fluent的流固耦合模型,模拟在泥石流冲击作用下,多级拦挡坝的不同间距、坝型与坝体应力之间的关联。结合 RAMMS的Voellmy流变模型,对二郎山后山泥石流进行了多级拦挡坝设立间距的模拟分析。从坝体静力和防治效果两个方面,深入探讨了坝体间距的影响。研究结果表明:(1)在空库过流达到稳定流动状态后,泥石流浆体的总压力呈现出上小下大的层状分布特征。(2)与拱形坝相比,矩形坝所产生的应力和位移相对较小。首道坝体所承受的应力和位移均小于次级坝体。(3)设立两级拦挡坝对泥石流运动起到明显的调控作用。随着两级坝体间距不断扩大,拦挡坝所受位移与应力发生波动。当间距80 m时,两级拦挡坝的应力与位移均达到最大值,为最不利间隔。(4)随着坝体间距增加, 泥石流最大堆积高度与流速呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势。(5)当二郎山坡面泥石流拦挡坝的设立间隔为 40 m、100 m、120 m 时,防护效果较为理想。研究结果对多级泥石流拦挡坝的优化设计具有借鉴意义。
In engineering practice, a check dam cascade is arranged in a coordinated layout to prevent massive debris flow disasters. After a debris flow overtops the first dam of a dam cascade, its movement pattern undergoes significant changes, with the stress state in the second-level dam and the overall prevention efficiency being both greatly affected by the distance between dams as well as dam structure. Previous studies only concerned about the behaviors of a single dam in debris flow control design, lacking knowledge of how the spacing between dams affects their load-bearing patterns and prevention effectiveness.
In this paper, based on field investigation, a fluid-solid coupled model in ANSYS-Fluent was utilized to simulate the correlation among different spacings, types and stresses of multi-level check dams under the impact of debris flow. Combined with the Voellmy rheological model in RAMMS, a thorough analysis of the spacing of the dams was exemplified by a real debris flow gully, located at backslope of the Erlang Mountain, Sichuan, China. The influence of dam spacing was discussed from two aspects: dam body static force and prevention effectiveness.
(1)After achieving a stable state of overflow in dam reservoir, the total pressure of debris flow slurry on dam exhibited a laminar distribution with higher pressure at bottom and lower pressure at top.
(2)Compared with arched dams, the rectangular dam generated relatively smaller stress and displacement. The stress and displacement endured by the first-level dam body was both less than those in the secondary-level dam body.
(3)The establishment of a two-level check dam cascade provided a significant regulating effect on debris flow movement. With continuous expansion the spacing between two dam bodies, the displacement and stress in the second-level dam fluctuated. When the spacing was 80 m, the stresses and displacements in the two-level check dam both reached the maximum value, indicating the most unfavorable spacing.
(4)With the increase of dam spacing, the maximum accumulation height and velocity of debris flow showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing.
(5)As for the real case of debris flow on the backslope of the Erlang Mountain, the protection effect was more satisfactory when the dam spacing were designed at intervals of 40 m, 100 m and 120 m.
This study has implications for optimal design of debris flow check dam cascade.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2024- 05-28; 改回日期(Accepted date):2024-12-16
基金项目(Foundation item): 河南省科技攻关项目(232102321012,242102321007)。[Scientific Project of Henan Science and Technology Department(232102321012,242102321007)]
作者简介(Biography): 王浩(1986-),男,河南信阳人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向:地质灾害机理及防治技术。[WANG Hao(1986-), male, born in Xinyang, Henan Province, Ph.D., associate professor, research on mechanisms of geological hazards and prevention technologies] E-mail: wanghao8023@henu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-11-30