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Coordination Degree between Aged Population and Pension Service Facilities in Mountainous Counties and Governance Optimization: A Case Study at Shaowu County, Nanping City, China
陈 香a林李月abc*柯文前ac
(福建师范大学 a.地理科学学院; b.湿润亚热带生态-地理过程教育部重点实验室; c.地理研究所,福州 350117)
CHEN Xianga LIN Liyueabc* KE Wenqianac
(a. School of Geographic Sciences; b. Key Laboratory of Humid Subtropical Eco-Geographic Processes, Ministry of Education; c. Institute of Geography, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China)
人口老龄化 养老服务设施 空间分布协调性 优化策略 山区县域
population aging pension service facilities coordination of spatial distribution optimization strategy mountainous county
中国老年人口规模持续扩大和人口老龄化进程加速,合理规划与布局养老服务设施成为推动积极老龄化的关键环节。前期研究多聚焦于全国或经济发达地区,而对经济欠发达的山区县域关注较少。然而,随着老龄化程度的加深,这类地区的养老服务需求与设施空间布局不协调问题日益突出。本研究选取福建省南平邵武市作为案例,运用空间自相关和高斯两步移动搜索法,分析县域人口老龄化现状和养老服务设施布局,以及二者之间的空间协调性,提出山区县域养老服务设施布局优化和调控的建议。结果表明:(1)邵武市整体已进入中度老龄化,养老服务设施空间分布呈中心多—外围少的非平衡格局。(2)全域视角下,老年人口需求与养老服务设施的供需协调度存在空间错配和城乡差距问题; 乡镇街道尺度下,二者的供需协调度呈现由边缘乡镇向中心城区逐级递减的空间分异规律,体现了经济欠发达山区县域区别于中、宏观区域的特殊性。(3)本研究从政策引导、城乡协调和以人为本的角度出发,针对山区县域养老服务设施建设,提出优化调控策略:明确县、镇、乡政府责任,提升养老服务设施质量; 构建层级化布局模式,规划调整设施点选址; 关注家庭养老老年人身心健康,推动制度组织、社会力量和社区村委三方协作。本研究可丰富人口老龄化研究的空间尺度,为构建面向地方实践的理论总结充实案例,也可为类似县域的养老服务设施供给与空间布局优化调整提供理论和经验支持。
With the continuous expansion of the aged population and the acceleration of the aging process in China, the rational planning and layout of pension service facilities become crucial for the target of active aging promotion. Most of preceding investigations into population aging were conducted on a county basis or aimed at some developed regions, while less attention was paid to the economically underdeveloped mountainous counties. Moreover, as the degree of aging intensifies in mountainous areas, the issue of the layout mismatch between pension service demand and facilities had become increasingly prominent.
In this study, Shaowu County in Nanping City, a typical mountainous county in underdeveloped region of western Fujian Province, China, was selected as a case. It employed spatial autocorrelation analysis and Gaussian two-step moving search method to analyze the pattern of population aging versus layout of pension service facilities, as well as their spatial coordination, then followed by suggestions for optimizing the layout of pension service facilities in the county.
(1)Population in Shaowu County was in a stage of moderate aging overall, with the spatial distribution of pension service facilities exhibiting a spacial unbalance characterized by a concentration in city proper and scarcity in periphery areas.
(2)On a county basis, there were spatial mismatches and urban-rural disparities in the coordination between the demand for pension services and the supply of facilities in the county. At township/street level, this coordination exhibited a decreasing trend from marginal townships to central urban areas, reflecting the uniqueness of economically underdeveloped mountainous counties compared to meso- and macro-scales regions.
(3)In accordance with policy guidance, urban-rural coordination, and people-orientation, this study proposed the following governance optimization for the construction of pension service facilities in mountainous county: clarifying the responsibilities of county, town, township governments for quality improvement of pension service facilities; developing a hierarchical structure for refining facility site selection; addressing to the physical and mental health of the elderly in family-based care by promoting tripartite collaboration among institutional organizations, social resources, and community/village committees.
This study enhances the research on population aging by examining it through a unique scale-based lens, furnishing empirical cases that contribute to the development of locally oriented theoretical frameworks. Additionally, it provides both theoretical and empirical backing for optimizing the governance of pension service facilities in comparable counties.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2024- 02-12; 改回日期(Accepted date): 2024-10-18
基金项目(Foundation item): 福建省自然科学基金(2021J01145); 国家社会科学基金(23BRK040)。[Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(2021J01145); National Social Science Foundation of China(23BRK040)]
作者简介(Biography): 陈香(2001-),女,福建南平人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:人口与城乡发展。[CHEN Xiang(2001-), female, born in Nanping, Fujian Province, M.Sc. candidate, research on population and urban-rural development] E-mail: nechhttps@163.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 林李月(1985-),女,博士,研究员,主要研究方向:人口迁移与城乡发展。[LIN Liyue(1985-), female, Ph.D., professor, research on population migration and urban-rural development] E-mail: lly30@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-11-30