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Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes and Hydrochemical Characteristics of the Ili Kashi River Basin of China during Wet Season
李 瀛杨余辉*
(新疆师范大学 地理科学与旅游学院,乌鲁木齐 830054)
LI Ying YANG Yuhui*
(College of Geographic Science and Tourism, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China)
伊犁喀什河 氢氧稳定同位素 水化学 水体补给关系
the Ili Kashi River stable isotopes hydrochemistry water recharge analysis
气温升高加速高山冰雪消融,造成伊犁喀什河的水文循环及水量平衡发生变化。关于该流域水汽来源、水体补给等问题的研究大都基于年际变化分析、氢氧稳定同位素的季节性对比,缺少针对丰水期、枯水期的特征分析,不利于系统探究丰水期及枯水期水体水化学控制因素或水体补给情况的个别差异。本文利用2018—2021年丰水期在新疆伊犁喀什河流域采集的不同水体水样,运用不同水体氢氧稳定同位素方程线比对及离子比值法,综合Piper三线图、Gibbs图等分析区域水体水化学、氢氧稳定同位素特征,探讨水体补给问题。结果表明:(1)研究区水体均呈弱碱性。地表水水化学类型为HCO3-Ca型,地下水受石膏溶解影响,SO42-含量增加,水化学类型为HCO3-SO4-Na-Ca型;(2)岩石风化作用是研究区地表水与地下水水化学性质的主要控制因素。地表水受到降水的轻微影响但不显著、井水受蒸发-浓缩作用影响; 地表水离子主要来源是硅酸盐矿物或石膏,地下水离子主要来源为碳酸盐、石膏或硅酸盐矿物;(3)综合地表水与地下水水化学及不同水体氢氧稳定同位素特征分析,得出流域5—8月河水的主要补给来源是降水及冰雪融水; 9月河水的主要补给来源是地下水及降水。本文对伊犁喀什河流域不同水体进行水化学及氢氧稳定同位素组成分析对了解流域水体补给关系、丰富内陆河流域的水文循环研究、保护当地水资源平衡和水环境具有重要意义。
The Ili Kashi River is a second-largest tributary of the Ili River. Warmer temperatures accelerate the melting of alpine ice and snow, causing changes in the hydrological cycle and water balance of the Ili Kashi River. Previous research on water vapor sources, water recharge and other issues in the basin was mostly based on interannual variation analysis, seasonal comparison of stable isotopes, but lacked of characteristic analysis of those in wet season and dry season, which was not conducive to systematically exploring the individual differences of hydrochemical control factors or water recharge in wet season and dry season.
In this paper, water samples were collected at different sites in the Ili Kashi River basin, Xinjiang, China during the wet seasons from 2018 to 2021. The characteristics of hydrochemistry and stable isotope of water bodies in the basin were analyzed by using Piper triplet diagram and Gibbs diagram. Then it investigated the provision of water recharge to the basin based on comparison of stable isotope equation lines of different water bodies and ion ratio method.
It found that(1)all water bodies in the basin were weakly alkaline. The hydrochemical type of surface water in the basin was HCO3-Ca type; the groundwater was hydrochemical type of HCO3-SO4-Na-Ca type, subject to gypsum dissolution with increased SO42- content.(2)Rock weathering was the main controlling factor for the hydrochemistry of surface water and groundwater. Surface water was slightly but not significantly affected by precipitation, and well water was affected by evaporation and concentration. The main source of surface water ions was silicate minerals or gypsum, and the main source of groundwater ions was carbonate, gypsum, or silicate minerals. The spatial variation of runoff hydrochemistry showed different trends of change at different elevations.(3)By comprehensive analysis of surface water and groundwater hydrochemistry and stable isotope characteristics of different water bodies, it was concluded that the main recharge sources in the basin from May to August were precipitation and ice-snowmelt water. The primary sources of recharge to the river in September were groundwater and precipitation.
This paper analyzed the hydrochemistry and stable isotope composition of different water bodies in the Ili Kashi River basin, which is of great significance for understanding the recharge relationship of water bodies in the basin, enriching the study of hydrological cycle in inland river basins, and protecting the balance of local water resources and the water environment.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2023- 06-29; 改回日期(Accepted date):2023-11-11
基金项目(Foundation item): 国家自然科学基金(41761004)。[National Natural Science Foundation of China(41761004)]
作者简介(Biography): 李瀛(2000-),女,河北唐山人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:干旱区水资源。[LI Ying(2000-),female, born in Tangshan, Hebei province, M.Sc. candidate, research on water resources in arid area]E-mail:xjnu_liying@163.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 杨余辉(1980-),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向:干旱区水资源。[YANG Yuhui(1980-),male, Ph.D., professor, research on water resources in arid area]E-mail:yangyuhuiw@sohu.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-11-30