 FANG Yiping.Nature-Based Effects on Basic Livelihoods of Residents in the Hengduan Mountains of Southeastern China and Their Geographic Characterization[J].Mountain Research,2023,(6):879-890.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000794]





Nature-Based Effects on Basic Livelihoods of Residents in the Hengduan Mountains of Southeastern China and Their Geographic Characterization
(1.中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,成都 610299; 2.中国科学院大学 资源与环境学院,北京 100049; 3.中国-巴基斯坦地球科学研究中心,伊斯兰堡 45320)
FANG Yiping
(1. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Chengdu 610299, China; 2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3. China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences, CAS-HEC, Islamabad 45320, Pakistan)
横断山区 居民基本生计 生计消长效应 社会生态系统 地域类型
the Hengduan Mountain Area essential livelihood of residents livelihood growth and decline effect social-ecological system region type
F901; F061.4; X24
面对气候变化这一全人类共同的挑战,居民生计必须适应社会生态系统的波动,生计产出才有更高、更强的韧性。动态的社会生态系统对生计的支撑效果监测是一个既复杂又尚待解决的难题,而开展基于自然的生计效应模拟是可持续生计研究的新方向。本文以干湿和用地条件为基础,以横断山区76个县(区、市)为样本,着眼居民日常基本生存状态表征,采用EViews 10软件探讨主要自然变量在居民基本生计维系中的角色和量变关系。结果表明:(1)自然系统主变量对本地居民基本生计的贡献率达到72%,充分体现了横断山区自然系统对居民基本生计支持的鲜明主导性,居民基本生计对横断山区自然系统的高度依赖性。同时,提升耕地量质是有效促进居民基本生计水平的最高优先序,而降低自然灾害风险、弱化生态系统脆弱性能有效收缩对居民基本生计产生的负向作用幅度。(2)在基本生计向富足生计转型过程中,耕地始终是极为关键的生计基础,耕地保护、农业生态系统功能保全直接影响横断山区居民的自然资本及其基本生计保障能力。(3)自然、社会系统对居民基本生计的支撑效应既因地理尺度而异,又因地域类型而别,也因发展阶段而变。着重生态和社会系统的协同配合是生计改进效应最大化的捷径。
In the context of global climate change challenging rural livelihood in China, a resilient livelihood pattern must come through adaption to the fluctuation of social-ecological system for a higher and stronger livelihood output. Monitoring the effects of dynamic socio-ecological systems in supporting livelihoods is a complex and unresolved challenge, and nature-based modeling of livelihood effects is a new direction in sustainable livelihoods research. Unfortunately, the role of nature-based solution in support of resilience livelihoods was unclear.
In this paper, it investigated the roles and quantitative relationships of natural variables in the maintenance of residents' basic livelihoods, which focused on the characterization of residents' subsistence, based on dry, wet and land use conditions in 76 counties(districts and cities)in the areas of the Hengduan Mountainous of southeastern China. EViews 10 software was used to complete the statistic of samples.
It found(1)in the Hengduan Mountains area, the contribution rate of natural system to local residents' basic livelihood reached 72%, indicating residents' basic livelihoods were highly dependent on natural system, which fully reflected the distinct dominance of natural system to residents' basic livelihood support. Furthermore, improving the quantity and quality of cultivated land was the highest priority to effectively promote a basic subsistence level of local residents, while reducing risk of natural disasters and weakening vulnerability of social-ecological system could shrink effectively negative impact on basic livelihood.(2)In the process of transitioning from a basic to an abundant livelihood pattern either in the humid areas, agricultural areas, pastoral areas, or the semi-pastoral areas of the Hengduan Mountainous, arable land had played an extremely critical role in improving livelihoods. Protection of arable land and preservation of agro-ecosystem functions had a direct impact on the natural capital of local inhabitants and their potential to secure basic livelihoods.(3)The supportive effect of social-ecological system on the basic livelihoods of local inhabitants varied with geographical scale, the type of territory and the stage of development.
In conclusive, materializing the synergy between ecological and social systems is a shortcut to maximize the effect of livelihood improvement.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2023-11-20; 改回日期(Accepted date):2023-12-20
基金项目(Foundation item): 国家自然科学基金(42171209)。[National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171209)]
作者简介(Biography): 方一平(1965-), 男,博士,二级研究员,主要研究方向:山区可持续发展与气候变化适应。[FANG Yiping(1965-), male, Ph.D. professor, research on sustainable development and climate change adaptation in mountainous areas] E-mail: ypfang@imde.ac.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-11-30