JIANG Fuwei,GUO Fusheng,JIANG Yongbiao,et al.Causes of Formation and Protection for Landscaperockfall of Danxia Landform in Longhushan[J].Mountain Research,2011,(02):202.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Causes of Formation and Protection for Landscaperockfall of Danxia Landform in Longhushan
- 作者:
1.东华理工大学,江西 抚州344000;
2.龙虎山管理委员会,江西 鹰潭 335000
- Author(s):
JIANG Fuwei; GUO Fusheng; JIANG Yongbiao; HU Zhonghua
1.East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou 344000, China;
2. Management Committee of Longhu Mountain, Yingtan 335000, China
- 关键词:
吊索法; 雕饰作用; 危岩景观; 危岩防治; 龙虎山丹霞地貌
- Keywords:
hangpull method; carvederosion action; landscaperockfall; preventing rockfall; Longhushan Danxia landform
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
龙虎山地处江西省东北部鹰潭市境内,据鹰潭市区10 km,是以丹霞地貌景观为特色的世界地质公园。龙虎山丹霞地貌主要以砂岩、砾岩、泥岩等岩层组成,岩壁陡峭,节理错综,发育众多外形奇特,有突出的旅游观光及美学欣赏价值的不稳定岩体,即危岩景观。龙虎山危岩景观经历了漫长的地质演变过程,是多因素耦合作用的结果,其主要影响因素有地形地貌、地层岩性、构造应力及水文地质条件以及雕蚀作用(包括流水侵蚀溶蚀、温度差异风化、微观化学风化等),其中雕蚀作用是危岩景观形成的核心要素。危岩景观保护须符合不破坏性、相近性、可逆性、无干扰性及如旧性五大原则。在分析现有危岩防治技术及危岩景观特殊性的基础上,提出吊索法保护危岩景观...
- Abstract:
Longhushan is a large geopark, owning the specially characteristic landscape of Danxia landform, and 10 km far from Yingtan city, which located in northeast of Jiangxi Province in China. The Danxia landscape’s layer in Longhushan mainly make up of the rock of sandstone, conglomerate, mudstone. With steep cliffs, intricate joints, the area developed a number of peculiar shape rock with the value of prominent tourism and aesthetic appreciation, which is named landscaperockfall. Landscaperockfall went through a longterm revolution of geological process,and was the results of many internal and external geological actions. The main factors are topography, lithology, geological structure,hydrogeological conditions and the carvederosion action (including erosion and dissolution, the weathering in different temperature, microchemical weathering).The carvederosion plays the core role in the process of formation. Landscaperockfall disaster prevention ought to follows the five principles of nondestructibility, approximability, reversibility, no interference and compatibility. According to the present technology of preventing rockfall and the particularity of landscaperockfall, the text proposed a hangpull method that made by the rope, cable, etc. to provide some upward pull to make the unstable rock meet the required coefficient of stability. The hangpull method has many advantages of wide application, simple theoretical calculation, better improving stability coefficient, convenient construction, easy maintenance and easy followup monitoring, etc,and it is suitable for protecting the rock landscape.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2010-10-20;改回日期(Accepted) : 2010-03-01。
基金项目(Foundation item):江西省自然科学基金(项目号2010GZC0001);东华理工大学研究生创新基金资助项目(项目号DYCA10018);江西省“龙虎山地质遗迹保护” 项目资助。[Supported by Jiangxi Nature Science funds (No: 2010GZC0001),Graduate innovative funded projects of East China Institute of Technology (No: DYCA10018),and project of geological heritage protection in Mt. Longhushan World Geopark.]
作者简介(Biography):姜伏伟(1987-),男,江西临川,硕士研究生,主要从事地质灾害成因及防治研究。[Jiang Fuwei(1987 —),man, Linchuan county of Jiangxi Province, master in reading, major in Causes and prevention of Geological disaster]E-male:jfwei_666@yahoo.com.cn;Tel: 13437943206
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