WANG Ying,SU Yongxiu,LI Zheng.Research on Adjusting Methods for Daily Minimum Temperature Series in High Altitude Mountainous Areas of Western Guangxi[J].Mountain Research,2012,(02):186.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Research on Adjusting Methods for Daily Minimum Temperature Series in High Altitude Mountainous Areas of Western Guangxi
- 作者:
广西气象减灾研究所,广西 南宁 530022
- Author(s):
WANG Ying; SU Yongxiu; LI Zheng
Institute of Meteorological Disaster Mitigation,Nanning 530022,China
- 关键词:
高海拔山区; 日最低气温; 序列订正; 自动站
- Keywords:
high altitude mountainous area; daily minimum temperature; series adjusting; automatic station
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
针对高海拔山区气象台站稀少,研究山区气候较为困难等问题,选择广西西部山区河池市为研究区域,收集该区域内位于海拔800 m以上的6个自动站12月、1月和2月的日最低气温资料,并选择与自动站相关程度较高的气象站为基本站,采用一元回归订正法和差值订正法对这6个自动站逐日最低气温进行订正,并从统计学和订正误差的角度分别对它们进行了比较分析。结果表明:两种方法的订正误差无显著性差异,但由于自动站资料时间序列较短,最低气温的瞬时性及影响因素较为复杂等原因,订正误差较大。
- Abstract:
To solve the problem of sparsely distributed meteorological stations and the difficulty in climate studies of high altitude mountainous area,in this paper,the daily minimum temperature of January,February and December were collected from 6 automatic meteorological stations in Hechi mountainous area,of which the altitude was above 800 m,and their nearby meteorological stations,which were high relative with automatic stations,were taken as corresponding basic stations,then,the daily minimum temperature were adjusted by the method of onevariety regression and difference value. Lastly,comparison analysis was made from the viewpoint of statistics and error correction. The results indicated that there is no remarkable difference between two methods. However,because of the short duration of single time series of meteorological data in automatic station,instantaneous characteristic of minimum temperature and its complicated factors,the adjusting errors are relative larger.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2011-09-11;改回日期(Accepted):2012-01-29。
基金项目(Foundation item):农业科技成果转化资金项目(2007GB2E100249)、广西自然科学
基金项目(2010GXNSFA013011)资助。\[Support by the project of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements Foundation (2007GB2E100249) and the project of Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (2010GXNSFA013011).\]
作者简介(Biography):王莹(1983-),女,河南人,硕士,主要从事生态与农业气象研究。\[Wang Ying (1983-),female, born in Henan, Master, Assistant Engineer, major on ecology and agricultural meteorology.\]E-mail:wangying8309@163.com
通讯作者(Corresponding author):苏永秀(1963-),女,广西人,正研级高工。主要从事生态与农业气象研究。\[Su Yongxiu (1963-), female, born in Guangxi, Professor Senior Engineer, Bachelor, major on ecology and agricultural meteorology.\]
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