 QI Deli,CHEN Zhijun,WANG Suiji,et al.Stratigraphic Classification,Evolution Stage and Geomorphologic Age of Kongtongshan Danxia Landform in Pingliang,Gansu,China[J].Mountain Research,2015,(04):408.





Stratigraphic Classification,Evolution Stage and Geomorphologic Age of Kongtongshan Danxia Landform in Pingliang,Gansu,China
陈致均 王随继 王志华 景福怀
1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所地貌与流域过程研究室,北京 100101; 2.兰州大学资源环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730000; 3.甘肃崆峒山管理局,甘肃 平凉 744000
QI Deli CHEN Zhijun WANG Suiji WANG ZhihuaJING Fuhuai
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources of Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China; 2. Department of geology Science, Lanzhou University,Gansu Lanzhou 730000, China; 3. The Administrative Committee of Kongdongshan Geopark,Gansu Pingliang 744000, China
Danxia landform strata classification evolution stage geomorphologic age Mt. Kongtongshan Pingliang
依据对崆峒山丹霞地貌的实地考察和现有资料分析,结合阶地样品测年分析结果,针对崆峒山丹霞地貌的一些争议问题提出一些新观点。认为崆峒山主景区,前峡中部以上至后峡上部之间,其出露地层为下白垩系六盘山群三桥组(K1s)的棕红色粗碎屑岩,丹霞地貌发育处于青年期,保留有三级剥蚀面及百米以上常见的陡崖为其特征。前峡中部以下十万沟及后峡中下部延伸约5 km出露地层主要是上三叠统延长群(T3yn)的紫红色粗碎屑岩,本区已发育至壮年早期,是国内古老地层中发育最好的一处丹霞地貌。根据作者2012-05-18及2012-11-16的采样释光测年(TL/OSL)数据分析,采用“黄进丹霞地貌定量计算公式”,测算出崆峒山丹霞地貌区平均地壳抬升速度是0.51 m/(104 a)。由此计算出崆峒山丹霞区各景点的地貌年龄,分别是香山13 Ma 、隍城11.5 Ma 、中台87 Ma。
Kongtongshan Mountain awarded the "National Geological Park" title by the Ministry of land and resources in January 19, 2004, and awarded the national 5A level scenic spots by the National Tourism Administration in May 8, 2007. Based on the analysis of onthespot investigation of Mt. Kongtongshan Danxia landform and combined with the dating results of Jinghe Rive terrace samples, this paper puts forward some new views on the issues of Mt. Kongtongshan Danxia landform. The main scenicspots of Kongtongshan is between the above middle of Qianxia gap to Houxia gorge. The exposed strata is brownish red coarse clastic rocks of Lower Cretaceous Sanqiao Formation of Liupanshan Group. Evolution stage of the Danxia landforms developmental process is in the youth period, retained three erosion surface and above 100 meters cliffs as its characteristic. The exposed strata of the Shiwangou gap in Qianxia gorge and Houxia eastern are mainly red coarse clastic rocks of Late Triassic Yanchang Group. The early of the adult period evolution stage, it is one of the best Danxia landscapes of old stratum. Domestic. To estimate the tectonic uplifting rate of Mt. Kongtongshan area, calculate the geomorphic age of Mt. Kongtongshan and cliff retreating rates and erosion rates and so on, this paper presents four simple proposed by authors after sever years fieldtest. On May 18 and November 16, 2012, we collected three gravel samples of the bottom of riverbed in the bedrock seated terrace of Jinghe River and its branch Yanzhi River. Calculating by Huangjin’s Danxia Formula, the rate of tectonic uplifting here is 0.51 m/(104 a). The geomorphic age of Mt. Xiangshang, Huangcheng and Zhongtai is 13 Ma,11.5 Ma and 8.7 Ma.


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收稿日期(Received date):2014-09-29;修回日期(Accepted):2015-04-05。
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学
基金项目( No.41371035)和国家科技基础性工作专项( No.2013FY111900)。\[ Project supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China ( No.41371035 ) and Basic work of the National Science and Technology Special Fund ( No.2013FY1119000).]
作者简介(Biography):齐德利 (1973-),男,宁夏隆德人,博士。研究方向为丹霞地貌。[Qi Deli (1973-) , male, born in Ningxia, Doctor and mainly study on Danxia Landform. ]E-mail: qidl@igsnrr.ac.cn 1)建设部城市建设研究院.《崆峒山风景名胜区总体规划》
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01