 ZHU Xiai,SHEN Youxin,et al.Species Diversity and Biomass of Vascular Plant on Rocky Outcrops in Karst Area[J].Mountain Research,2016,(02):165-172.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000114]





Species Diversity and Biomass of Vascular Plant on Rocky Outcrops in Karst Area
朱习爱1 2沈有信1 *何贝贝2王电杰1 2黄 金3
1.中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,昆明 650000; 2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049; 3.石林风景名胜区管理局,云南 石林652211
ZHU Xiai1 2SHEN Youxin1HE Beibei2WANG Dianjie1 2HUANG Jin3
1. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650000, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3.Stone Forest Scenic Area Administration, Shilin 652211, Yunnan, China
喀斯特 植被生态系统 岩生维管植物 物种多样性 生物量 云南石林
Karst vegetation ecosystems vascular plants on rocks species diversity biomass Yunnan
对云南石林石漠化生态系统、人工林生态系统和次生林生态系统内的岩生维管植物进行样方调查,结果表明:1.三种生态系统内分别记录到15科21属21种、15科25属25种和28科39属41种岩生维管植物。2.单位面积平均生物量表现为石漠化(11.17±2.98 g/m2)>次生林(6.04±1.03 g/m2)>人工林(1.29±0.44 g/m2),系统间存在显著差异(F=14.27,P<0.001),岩石裂缝中生长的少量阳性灌木个体异常地增加了石漠化生态系统的单位面积生物量。3.超过75%的物种分布于石壁、石坑、石隙等微生境,而石台、石面和石沟很少有植物殖居; 按中国植被进行的生活型分类,三种系统中草本物种数占各自系统内总物种数比例分别为42.8%、60%和34.2%; 灌木和藤本次之,其物种数差异不大,其中落叶种数较常绿物种数多; 乔木物种组成只有中、小乔木,占群落中总物种数的比例最低。4. MRPP分析显示,三种生态系统岩生维管植物组合模式存在显著差异(A=0.125,P<0.001)。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和均匀度指数均表现为人工林>石漠化>次生林,随着植被覆盖度的增加,物种数呈上升趋势,其中阳性物种逐渐减少,阴性物种逐渐增加,物种从随机分布过渡到均匀分布。
Vascular plants growing on rocky outcrops were surveyed at stony desertification ecosystems(SDE), manmade forest ecosystems(MFE) and secondary forest ecosystems SFE)at Shilin, Yunnan Province,China. The results showed that:1)15 species of 21 genera of 21 families, 15 species of 25 genera of 25 families and 28 species of 39 genera of 41 families were identified at SDE, MFE and SFE respectively. 2)The average biomass ranges from 0.25 g/m2 to 12.09 g/m2. There was significant difference among the three ecosystems. A small number of sun-requiring shrubs grew at crevices abnormally increased the biomass of SDE. 3)More than 75% of the species grew at the stony cliff, stony pit and stony crevice. Instead, few plants grew at the stony terrace, stony surface and stony gully. According to the life form of monograph “Vegetation of China”, the proportion of herbaceous species accounted for 42.8%, 60% and 34.2% of the total number of species. Followed by shrubs and lianas, in which the deciduous species were more than evergreen species. The number of shrubs was almost equal to the number of lianas. Trees had the lowest percentage. 4)MRPP reveals that the assemblage of vascular plants existed significant differences(A=0.125,P<0.001)among the three ecosystems. Shannon index and Pielou evenness index were characterized by MFE>SDE>SFE. With the increase of vegetation coverage, the number of species increased, of which the sun species decreased and shade species increased gradually. The pattern of species ranges from random distribution to uniform distribution.


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收稿日期(Received date):2015-07-12; 改回日期(Accepted): 2015-12-05。 基金项目(Foundation item):中国科学院西部之光项目(O7ZK101K02)资助。[Supported by West Light Foundation of The Chinese Academy of Sciences(O7ZK101K02).] 作者简介(Biography):朱习爱(1990-),男,硕士研究生,云南宣威人,从事碳酸盐岩附着物研究。[Zhu Xiai(1990-), male, Postgraduates, born in Xuanwei of Yunnan Province, engaged in carbonate rock epiliths research.] E-mail: zhuxiai19900624@163.com, Tel: 13108522518 *通信作者(Corresponding author):沈有信 [Shen Youxin],男,博士,研究员,从事退化生态系统的研究与恢复工作。E-mail: yxshen@xtbg.ac.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01