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Large Scale Landslides Susceptibility and Accuracy Assessment in Mountainous Counties
付 圣1陈丽霞1*黎丰收1连志鹏2 徐 勇2
2.中国地质调查局 武汉地质调查中心,武汉 430205
FU Sheng1CHEN Lixia1*LI Fengshou1LIAN Zhipeng2XU Yong2
1.China University of Geosciences, Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics, Wuhan 430074,China;
2.China Geological Survey, Wuhan Geological Survey Center, Wuhan 430205,China
滑坡 斜坡单元 证据权法 易发性评价 精度分析
landslide slope unit weights of evidence Susceptibility mapping Accuracy analysis
小范围大比例尺地质灾害易发性评价面临时空数据精度或质量不满足理论要求的现状。如何利用有限的数据实现相对可靠的评价结果,是论文研究的主要目的。论文选取湖北省五峰县渔洋关镇为研究区域,考虑水文、地形、岩性分布、历史灾害规模等因素讨论了斜坡单元的划分方法; 将证据权模型分析所得滑坡易发性值转换至各斜坡单元,绘制基于斜坡单元的研究区易发性评价分级图; 分别采用ROC曲线和野外核查手段,评价了易发性结论的成功率和预测率。研究表明,斜坡单元的划分一方面要符合实际地形,另一方面更应体现单元的地质差异性; 栅格计算结论转化为斜坡单元的表达成果、精度分析的注重和野外核查工作的开展是保证分析结果可靠性的有效途径; 湖北省五峰县渔洋关镇易发性评价成功率和预测率分别为84%和74%,野外验核与理论分析结果的一致性较高。
Data accuracy and quality does not satisfy small area-large scale landslide susceptibility mapping in mountainous area.In this paper, it aims to propose a methodology of susceptibility mapping using limited data for landslides in a town named Yuyangguan, located at Wufeng county, west Hubei province, China.Firstly, slope unit map was generated by a method considering hydrology, topography, lithology and historical landslide magnitude.Weights-of-evidence model was applied for grid-based landslide susceptibility mapping, which was later converted to slope unit results using average susceptibility value.Then the success rate and prediction rate was evaluated by Receiver Operating Characteristic(ROC)curve and filed check.The results showed that slope unit division should consider not only terrain and hydrology, but also geological differences, such as lithology.Grid-based susceptibility map can be converted to slope unit map for the convenience of risk management practice.The reliability can be measured by not only ROC curves but also field investigation.For Wufeng county, the success rate and prediction rate of landslide susceptibility were 84% and 74%, approving a high agreement with field work.


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收稿日期(Received date):2016-09-14; 改回日期(Accepted date):2017-7-10
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金项目(41641012); 中国地质调查局二级项目(D5.7.3)科研专题“武陵山区城镇地质灾害风险评估技术指南”[National Natural Science Foundation of China(41641012); Guideline for Geological Hazards in Mountainous Towns in Wuling Area, D5.7.3,China Geological Survey]
作者简介(Biography):付圣(1993-),男,河北保定人,学士,主要研究方向:地质灾害与工程地质[Fu Sheng(1993-),male,born in Baoding,Hebei province,B.S.,research on geological hazards and engineering geology] E-mail:jason_fusheng@163.com。
*通讯作者(Corresponding author):陈丽霞(1979-),女,湖北汉川人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向:滑坡灾害预测预报、风险分析与管理[Chen Lixia(1979-),female,born in Hanchuan,Hubei province,Ph.D., associate professor,research on landslide hazard prediction and risk management] E-mail:ch_l_x@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-07-30