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Evolution Characteristics of Debris Flow Sources in Strong Earthquake Area
熊 江唐 川*史青云龚凌枫
成都理工大学 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,成都 610059
XIONG Jiang TANG Chuan* SHI Qingyun GONG Lingfeng
State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059,China
泥石流 物源演化 水系理论 物源密度 物源连接度
debris flow source evolution water system theory source density source connectivity
探讨震区泥石流物源演化特征是进一步揭示泥石流物源供给条件和演化阶段划分的基础,为探究强震区泥石流物源演化特征,本文将物源分为4级,利用ArcGIS软件对4期影像进行详细解译,并基于流域水系理论和方法计算物源面积、密度和连接度。在此基础上探讨泥石流物源演化特征,结果表明:四期影像物源解译面积分别为10.91 km2、12.34 km2、12.70 km2和9.71 km2,增长率分别为13%、3%和-24%,物源数量分别为1516处、1751处、1943处和1853处,增长率为16%、11%、-5%; 物源面积以二次函数模式演化,于2012年前后物源面积增加到最大值,且经过近十年恢复,物源面积较震初减少了11%,物源数量增加了22%; 一级物源密度、二级物源密度、三级物源密度以二次函数形式先增大后减小,而其他物源密度以指数形式逐渐减小; 物源连接度随时间增长呈现出先增大后减少趋势; 根据物源面积、物源密度和物源连接度变化规律将物源演化过程大致划分为四个阶段。研究结果对于进一步研究震区泥石流物源演化具有一定参考意义。
A strong earthquake usually cause a large number of landslide deposits on steep slope, which providing sufficient materials for debris flow initiation. Under the action of rain and gravity, these materials may mitigate to the branch and translate to debris flow gully. However, with the stability of source increasing, a large amount of materials are translated out mountain outlets and vegetation restoration, the number and area of source will change over time. Also, evolution characteristics of debris flow source are the basis for further revealing the sediment supplying and evolution stages division. In order to explore the evolution characteristics of debris flow source in strong earthquake area, the sources were divided into four types, such as primary source(deposit in channel of debris flow gully), secondary source(deposit in tributary of debris flow gully), tertiary source(deposit on steep slop that along the tributary)and other sources(deposit on steep slop that along the main channel). Four-phase images were interpreted by ArcGIS software, and the source area, density and connectivity were calculated based on the theory and method of watershed water system. According to analyze, the following conclusions were summarized. The source areas of the four stage images were 10.91 km2, 12.34 km2, 12.70 km2, 9.71 km2, respectively, with the growth rate of 13%, 3%, and -24%, respectively; The numbers of source were 1516, 1751, 1943, 1853, and the growth rate were 16%, 11%, -5%, respectively; The source area evolves as a quadratic function, and increasing to the maximum value around 2012. After nearly a decade of recovery, The source area decreasing by 11% compare with the beginning of the earthquake, and the number of sources increases by 22%; The density of primary source, secondary source and tertiary source increases firstly and then decrease in the form of quadratic function. The density of other source decreases gradually as an exponential function. The source connectivity increases first and then decreases over time. According to the evolve laws of source area, density and connectivity, the evolution process of the source were roughly divided into four stages. The research results provide a reference for further study of the evolution of debris source in the earthquake zone.


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收稿日期(Received date):2018-08-09; 改回日期(Accepted data):2018-11-20
基金项目(Foundation item):国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1501004); 国家自然科学基金项目(41672299)。[ National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC1501004); National Natural Science Foundation of China(41672299)]
作者简介(Biography):熊江(1991-),男,四川泸州人,硕士研究生,主要从事地质灾害防治方面研究。[XIONG Jiang(1991-), male, was born in Luzhou, Sichuan Province, M. Sc. candidate,research on geological disaster prevention] E-mail:2029476606@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-09-30