 QIN Bangce,FANG Weixuan,XING Zailiang*,et al.Landscape Pattern Stability of the Intermountain Open Basin in Yuxian County of China[J].Mountain Research,2023,(6):846-862.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000792]





Landscape Pattern Stability of the Intermountain Open Basin in Yuxian County of China
(1.河北省煤田地质局 第四地质队,河北 张家口 075000; 2.有色金属矿产地质调查中心 矿山生态环境资源创新实验室,北京 100012)
QIN Bangce12 FANG Weixuan2 XING Zailiang1* REN Jianshuai1 ZHNAG Xinsheng1
(1. The Fourth Geological Team, Hebei Coalfield Geological Bureau, Zhangjiakou 075100, Hebei, China; 2. Innovation Laboratory of Mine, Environment and Mineral, China Non-Ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China)
山间外流盆地 分级解构 构造岩相学 景观格局 稳定性
intermountain exorheic basin hierarchical deconstruction tectonic petrography landscape pattern stability
蔚县山间外流盆地位于燕山—太行山生态环境涵养区。随着全域旅游示范区建设和城镇化加速发展,其景观格局受到干扰,人、地、环境关系紧张。研究蔚县山间外流盆地景观格局稳定性,对探索区域平衡发展意义重大。已有研究多集中在历史人文景观空间分布和保护更新方面,关于土地类型和地质环境下的景观格局稳定性研究较为缺乏,实践参考意义不足。本文根据土地利用类型特征和构造岩相学特征,对蔚县山间外流盆地景观格局进行了3级解构; 选取景观单元表型结构指数和景观区构造岩相学指标,基于GIS平台,分别对景观单元和景观区的稳定性进行评估; 讨论景观单元和景观区耦合结构下的景观格局稳定性及影响因素,并提出防治规划建议。结果表明:(1)蔚县山间外流盆地景观格局中包含62种景观类型,由耕地、林地、草地等11类景观单元及剥蚀侵蚀中低山基岩景观区、盆山过渡带景观区等6类景观区耦合构成,整体以壶流河为对称中心呈渐变镶嵌分布。(2)景观单元次稳定和次不稳定区面积分别为1911.61 km2和1093.25 km2,累计占总面积的94%,景观区次不稳定区面积为2223.46 km2,占总面积的69%,景观格局次不稳定区和不稳定区面积分别为1603.36 km2和880.78 km2,累计占总面积的78%。(3)景观格局稳定性受景观单元表型结构和景观区环境地质条件综合影响,基础级景观单元形状简单、分布聚集、规模大,中间级景观区远离断裂、地震活动性低、岩土体结构稳定、地形条件良好,高等级景观格局稳定。本研究成果可为蔚县山间外流盆地减灾防灾、空间规划及景观优化提供科学参考。
Intermountain exorheic basin in Yuxian county(abbreviated as the Yuxian basin), Hebei, China lied in the ecological conservation area of the Yanshan Mountains-the Taihang Mountains. With continue construction of tourism infrastructure and accelerated urbanization in the basin, regional landscape pattern has been altered, leading to an increasingly tense relationship between humans and the land. It is of great significance to study the stability of landscape pattern in the Yuxian basin for a regional balanced development.
Earlier economic exploitation in the basin primarily cared about the spatial organization and conservation of historical and cultural landscapes. Little attention was paid to the landscape pattern stability in relation to land categorizations and geo-environment matrix, consequently lacking of practical reference significance.
In this paper, a 3-level deconstruction of the landscape pattern of the Yuxian basin was carried out based on land use type characteristics and tectonic petrographic features; phenotypic structure index of landscape units and tectonic petrography index of landscape zones were selected to assess the stability of landscape units and landscape zones, respectively, based on GIS platform; it discussed the stability of landscape patterns and factors affecting them under the coupled structure of landscape units and landscape zones, and made recommendations for prevention and control planning.
It found that(1)the landscape pattern of the Yuxian basin was organized by coupling landscape units with landscape zones, which contained 62 landscape types, consisting of 11 types of landscape units such as cropland, woodland, grassland, etc., and 6 types of landscape zones such as low mountain zones in eroded bedrock areas and landscape zones in the transition area of basin-mountain, etc. The overall layout of the basin landscape exhibited gradual mosaic with the Jueliu River as its symmetrical center.(2)The sub-stable and sub-instable areas of the landscape unit covered an area of 1911.61 km2 and 1093.25 km2, respectively, cumulatively accounting for 94% of the total area; the sub-stable area of the landscape area was 2223.46 km2, which was 69% of the total area; the sub-unstable and unstable landscape patterns occupied 1603.36 km2 and 880.78 km2, respectively, cumulatively representing 78% of the aggregate area.(3)The stability of the landscape pattern was comprehensively affected by the phenotypic structure of landscape unit and environmental and geological conditions. Elementary landscape units were simple in shape, clustered in distribution, and large in scale; Middle-level landscape zones were far away from faults, with low seismicity, stable geo-structure and favorite terrain, which built a stable high-level landscape pattern.
This research can provide scientific references for spatial planning and landscape optimization for the Yuxian basin.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2023- 06-13; 改回日期(Accepted date): 2023-12-23
基金项目(Foundation item): 河北省省级财政一般公共预算资金项目(343-0402-YBN-GY1N)[Provincial General Public Budgeting Fund Project of Hebei Province(343-0402-YBN-GY1N)]
作者简介(Biography): 秦帮策(1995-),男,硕士,河北张家口人,主要研究方向:环境与地质灾害。[QIN Bangce(1995-), male, M.Sc., born in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, research on environmental and geological disaster] E-mail: 2265468107@qq.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 邢再亮(1989-),男,工程师,主要研究方向:水文地质、环境地质和地质灾害。[XING Zailiang(1989-), male, engineer, research on hydrogeology, environmental geology, and geological disaster] E-mail: hbmtsdxzl@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-11-30