[1]罗怀良.山区农产品主产区种养关联碳减排潜力估算 ——以四川洪雅、开江、盐亭和兴文县为例[J].山地学报,2024,(3):287-299.[doi:10-16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000823]
 LUO Huailiang.Potential of Carbon Emission Reduction by Crop-Livestock Integration in Main Producing Areas of Mountain Farm-Produces —Taking Four Counties in Sichuan Province, China as Examples[J].Mountain Research,2024,(3):287-299.[doi:10-16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000823]

山区农产品主产区种养关联碳减排潜力估算 ——以四川洪雅、开江、盐亭和兴文县为例




Potential of Carbon Emission Reduction by Crop-Livestock Integration in Main Producing Areas of Mountain Farm-Produces —Taking Four Counties in Sichuan Province, China as Examples
(四川师范大学 地理与资源科学学院,成都 610101)
LUO Huailiang
(College of Geography and Resource Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610101, China)
农产品主产区 种养关联 碳减排潜力 作物秸秆 畜禽粪便
main producing area of farm-produce crop-livestock integration potential of carbon emission reduction crop straw livestock manure
F205, F323.22, S210.3
种养关联既可有效利用农业废弃物,又具碳减排效应。已有研究主要聚焦农业废弃物资源化利用及其污染控制,对农业种养关联碳减排缺乏关注。本文以四川盆地山地丘陵农产品主产区的洪雅、开江、盐亭和兴文4县为研究对象,采用草谷比法估算作物秸秆量,依据能量转化构建秸秆饲料化利用碳减排潜力估算法,采用排泄系数法估算畜禽粪便量,依据营养物质循环构建粪便肥料化利用碳减排潜力估算法,探讨2008—2017年该区种养关联碳减排潜力。结果表明:(1)该区种养关联年均碳减排潜力为19.42×104 t,且微弱上升(1.25%)。其中,作物秸秆饲料化利用年均碳减排潜力15.49×104 t,上升8.37%; 畜禽粪便肥料化利用年均碳减排潜力3.93×104 t,下降23.09%。(2)该区单位耕地面积种养关联碳减排潜力为2.04 t/hm2,其中,开江(2.36 t/hm2)>洪雅(2.30 t/hm2)>盐亭(2.01 t/hm2)>兴文(1.57 t/hm2)。(3)该区种养关联碳减排潜力中作物秸秆饲料化利用占比(79.75%)>畜禽粪便肥料化利用(20.25%); 作物秸秆饲料化利用碳减排潜力以水稻(35.07%)、玉米(24.99%)、小麦(13.44%)和油菜(12.77%)等作物为主(共86.27%); 畜禽粪便肥料化利用碳减排潜力以牛粪便为主(占52.94%)。本研究可以为山地丘陵区种养关联碳减排提供理论依据。
Crop-livestock integration in agriculture can not only effectively recycled agricultural wastes but has remarkable effects on carbon emission reduction. Previous research on a sustainable green mountain agriculture paid more attentions to the resource utilization of agricultural wastes with pollution control, but hardly concerned about the effect of carbon emission reduction by crop-livestock integration on farm-produces.
In this study, the performances of carbon emission reduction by crop-livestock integration in mountain agriculture over past 10 years(2008 to 2017)on a county basis was exemplified by four counties, Hongya, Kaijiang, Yanting and Xingwen, which are main producing regions of mountain farm-produces in Sichuan Basin, China. It used the method of straw-to-grain ratio to estimate the amount of crop straw and further estimated the potential of carbon emission reduction by utilization of straw fodder based on energy conversion; it used the method of excretion coefficient to estimate the amount of livestock manure,and further estimated the potential of carbon emission reduction by utilization of livestock manure in terms of nutrient cycle.
(1)In the past 10 years, the potential of annual carbon emission reduction by crop-livestock integration in the four counties was 19.42×104 t, with a slight increase of 1.25%, in which straw fodder individually was 15.49×104 t, an increase of 8.37%; the left livestock manure was 3.93×104 t, down 23.09%.
(2)The potential of annual carbon emission reduction by crop-livestock integration was 2.04 t/hm2 per unit area of cultivated land for the four counties, in a descending order of Kaijiang(2.36 t/hm2)> Hongya(2.30 t/hm2)> Yanting(2.01 t/hm2)> Xingwen(1.57 t/hm2).
(3)The proportion of the straw fodder utilization to the livestock manure utilization in the potential of annual carbon emission reduction by crop-livestock integration was 79.75% to 20.25% in the four regions; among them, straw fodder accounted for 86.27% of the potential, with a descending order of rice at 35.07%, corn at 24.99%, wheat at 13.44% and rapeseed at 12.77%; livestock manure was primarily composed of cattle manure at 52.94%.
This study can provide a theoretical basis for guideline of carbon emission reduction by crop-livestock integration in mountain agriculture.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2023-10-31; 改回日期(Accepted date):2024- 04-11
基金项目(Foundation item): 国家社科基金(17BGL137)[National Social Science Fund of China(17BGL137)]
作者简介(Biography): 罗怀良(1966-),男,四川洪雅人,博士,二级教授。主要研究方向:全球变化、自然资源利用与区域地理。[LUO Huailiang(1966-), male, born in Hongya, Sichuan province, Ph.D., professor, research on global change, exploitation of natural resources, and regional geography] E-mail: 19980049@sicnu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-05-30