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Spatial-Temporal Changes of Ecosystem Service Value with Trade-offs/Synergy in Wuyishan National Park, China
曹 辉吴慧珍
(福建农林大学 经济与管理学院,福州 350002)
CAO HuiWU Huizhen
(College of Economics and Management, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002,China)
生态系统服务价值 时空变化 权衡 协同 武夷山国家公园
ecosystem service value temporal and spatial changes trade-off synergy Wuyishan National Park
National parks are unique natural landscapes in China's ecosystem, bearing rich natural heritage and biodiversity. The function of ecosystem services is the most fundamental natural and social attribute of national parks. Assessing the value of ecosystem services in national parks is conducive to the scientific construction of China's natural conservation system with national parks as the main sustainable body. Unfortunately, there was a lack of comprehensive assessment of the functional value of multiple ecosystem services, multiple methods, and dynamic analysis on spatial-temporal scales, particularly in key ecological regions with few case studies.
In this paper, it targeted the Fujian section of Wuyishan National Park, China to estimate the ecosystem service values with associated trade-offs/synergy relationship over the period from 1990 to 2020. It utilized data of GIS information platform of Wuyishan National Park and field survey results, which were processed by market value method, choice experiment method and equivalent factor method,in combination with the InVEST model tool.
(1)The value of ecosystem services in Wuyishan National Park generally demonstrated a fluctuating downward trend. The total value in 1995 and 2010 was relatively high, at 11.418 billion yuan and 11.499 billion yuan, respectively, while the value in 2020 was lower, at 7.477 billion yuan.
(2)The proportion dynamics of each function of the ecosystem services in Wuyishan National Park were different from those in other regions, and were greatly affected by the output and value changes of soil conservation, carbon storage, and water conservation, and other parts.
(3)Strong synergy and weak trade-off were the main characteristics of the relationship among the functions of the ecosystem service values in Wuyishan National Park. The changes in the physical quality and value of each ecosystem service function were significantly affected by factors such as precipitation decline(climate change), change in land use, and tourist growth.
(4)High-value clustering of cultural value functions was evident in the areas around Jiuquxi Stream, Yunufeng Peak, and Zhu Xi's former residence, while low-value of soil conservation function appeared in the surrounding areas of Yanzike and Dawangfeng Peak.
The research provides decision-making reference for scientific management of national park ecosystem services and sustainable development of regional social economy.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2024- 04-23; 改回日期(Accepted date):2024-10-19
基金项目(Foundation item): 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目(72241410)。[National Natural Science Foundation Emergency Management Project of China(72241410)]
作者简介(Biography): 曹辉(1973-),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向:生态旅游。[CAO Hui(1973-), male, Ph.D., professor, research on ecotourism] E-mail:fjch2000@gmail.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-30