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Fluvial Geomorphic Processes Recorded by Moat Sedimentation at the Chengcun Hancheng Site, Fujian, China
(1. 福建师范大学a.地理科学学院; b.东南环境考古中心; c.闽台区域研究中心,福州350117; 2. 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,兰州730000; 3. 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室,上海200062)
WANG Zian1a WEI Junjie1a 2 QIU Junjie1a 3 ZUO Xinxin1a 1b 1c JIN Jianhui1a 1b 1c*
(1. a. Institute of Geographical Science; b. Southeast Environmental Archaeology Center; c. Regional Research Center of Fujian and Taiwan, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China; 2. Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)
释光年代学 粒度 水文地貌过程 城村汉城遗址
luminescence chronology grain size hydro-geomorphological process the Chengcun Hancheng Site
环壕是古代聚落重要的功能性设施,其多利用天然河道并加以人工改造而形成,可以实现农业灌溉和军事防御等多重功能。城村汉城遗址是秦末汉初的闽越国城址,具有完备的环壕系统,为深入了解闽北地区秦汉时期人地关系演变提供了契机。本研究在遗址环壕的不同河段选取4个钻孔作为研究对象,通过年代测试和粒度分析,结合钻孔岩性和现代地貌特征,重建遗址环壕的水文沉积过程,并探讨闽越国城址建立前后水文环境的变化机制。结果表明:(1)城村汉城环壕沉积过程大致可划分为三个阶段,即晚更新世晚期至末次冰盛期的沉积缓慢期(约50 ka BP~26 ka BP)、末次冰盛期至全新世早期的沉积间断期(约26 ka BP~12 ka BP)和全新世中晚期的沉积增强期(约12 ka BP~)。(2)西水门外侧的HC2钻孔记录了晚全新世以来的沉积变化(2.9 ka BP~0.6 ka BP)。这一变化反映了宫城兴建与废弃过程中,西水门对来自西南方向的河流流量的调节作用; 宫城西门附近的HC3钻孔主要是早-中全新世的流水沉积(9.4 ka BP~3.8 ka BP),反映了晚全新世以来,即城村汉城兴废前后,HC3附近的河流水文过程由河流沉积为主转为河流侵蚀为主。(3)闽越国宫城存续期(202 BC~110 BC),基于天然河道改造修筑的环壕及其相关设施,是防范洪水灾害的重要手段。通过对西水门的控制,可达到调节河流的目的。丰水期打开水门,使上游的水流通过环壕流入崇阳溪以泄洪; 平水期关闭水门,可使流水减少汇入环壕,以达到调节环壕水量的目的。本研究成果可为研究古人类活动相关的环境演变提供科学依据。
Moats were significant functional facilities in ancient settlements, often created by utilizing and modifying natural waterways to achieve multiple functions such as agricultural irrigation and military defense. The Chengcun Hancheng Site, dating from the late Qin to the early Han Dynasty, is the palace of the Minyue Kingdom and features a complete moat system, providing a reference to reconstruct the evolution of human-land relationships in the northern Fujian of the Qin-Han Period.
In this study, four boreholes were selected for sampling from different sections of the moat system at the Site as research objects. Through age testing and grain size analysis, combined with the lithology of the boreholes and modern geomorphological characteristics, the hydro-geomorphological processes of the moat system were reconstructed, and the mechanisms of changes in the hydrological environment before and after the establishment of the palace of Minyue Kingdom were explored.
(1)The sedimentation process of the moat at the Chengcun Hancheng Site could be roughly divided into three stages: a slow sedimentation period from the Late Pleistocene to the Last Glacial Maximum(about 50 ka BP-26 ka BP); a sedimentation hiatus period from the Last Glacial Maximum to the early Holocene(about 26 ka BP-12 ka BP); and an enhanced sedimentation period in the middle and late Holocene(about 12 ka BP- present).
(2)Borehole HC2, located outside the Western Water Gate, recorded sedimentation changes since the late Holocene(2.9 ka BP-0.6 ka BP). This change reflected the regulatory effect of the Western Water Gate on the flow of the river from the southeast direction during the construction and abandonment of the palace. Borehole HC3, near the west gate of the palace, mainly contained fluvial sediments from the early to middle Holocene(9.4 ka BP-3.8 ka BP), indicating that since the late Holocene, i.e., before and after the rise and fall of Minyue Kingdom at the Chengcun Hancheng Site, the fluvial hydrological process near HC3 had changed from deposition-dominated to erosion-dominated.
(3)During the presence of the palace of the Minyue Kingdom(202 BC-110 BC), the moat system and its related facilities, built based on modifications to natural river courses, were necessary means to prevent flood disasters. By controlling the Western Water Gate, the purpose of regulating the river can be achieved. During flood season, the water gate was opened to allow upstream water to flow into the Chongyang River(a present river in the vicinity)through the moat system for flood discharge; during dry season, the water gate was closed to reduce the inflow of water into the moat system, thereby regulating its water volume in the moat system.
The results of this study can provide a scientific basis for the study of ancient environmental evolution with human activities.


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收稿日期(Received date): 2024-11- 04; 改回日期(Accepted date):2024-12- 07
基金项目(Foundation item): 福建省科技厅公益类科研院所基本科研专项(2024R1038); 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2024J01444); 国家自然科学基金(41301012)。[Basic Scientific Research Special Project of Fujian Science and Technology Department of Public Welfare Research Institutes(2024R1038); Natural Science Foundation General Project of Fujian Province(2024J01444); National Natural Science Foundation of China(41301012)]
作者简介(Biography): 王子桉(2000-),男,山西晋中人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:释光测年与环境演变。[WANG Zian(2000-), male, born in Jinzhong, Shanxi Province, M.Sc. candidate, research on luminescence dating and environmental change] E-mail: wangzian000318@163.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author): 靳建辉(1981- ),男,博士,副教授,主要研究方向:风沙地貌过程与环境演变、释光年代学方法与应用。[JIN Jianhui(1981-), male, Ph.D., associate professor, research on the process of aeolian geomorphology and environmental change, luminescence chronology] E-mail: geojjh@fjnu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-11-30