FANG Yiping (9).Effect of Pastoralist’s Perception Innovation on Livelihood Improvement in the Source Region of Yellow River, China[J].Mountain Research,2013,(02):150.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Effect of Pastoralist’s Perception Innovation on Livelihood Improvement in the Source Region of Yellow River, China
- 作者:
中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,四川 成都610041
- Author(s):
FANG Yiping (159)
Institute of Mountain Hazards & Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China
- 关键词:
牧民; 观念更新; 生计促进; 黄河源区
- Keywords:
pastoralist; perception innovation; livelihood improvement; the source region of the Yellow River
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The relation between pastoralist’s perception and development is a hotspot discussed in the academic society. However, the impact study of pastoralist’s perceptions on the livelihood is scarcely at present. This paper uses net income per capita, GDP per capita, meat production per capita, and milk production per capita as the key indicators for description of pastoralists’ livelihood level; and grazing capacity (reflecting wealth perception), slaughter rate of livestock, sold rate of livestock (reflecting commodity perception), and composition of female animals in season and death rate of livestock at mating age (reflecting technological perception) as the proxy indicators for description the perceptions of pastoralists. Author builds a relevance model between pastoralist’s livelihood and perceptions. The results indicate: 1 A relatively significant nonlinear relation exists between pastoralist’s livelihood and perception; 2 Considering from indicator level, slaughter and sold rates of livestock generate the positive effect on pastoralist’s net income per capita and meat production per capita; and composition of female animals in season triggers also the positive effect on GDP per capita; on the contrary, the grazing capacity has the significant adverse effect on pastoralist’s net income per capita; 3 Pastoralist’s perceptions directly restrict pastoralist’s livelihood level. Based on the findings, recommendations for possible interventions, such as strengthening the skill training, transforming the traditional wealth perception of pastoralists (worship the more livestock possession the wealthier), innovating the old commodity perception (resisting slaughter rate of livestock and commercialization) and establishing advanced management perception (structural adjustment and disaster resisting ability) are made.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2012-08-15;改回日期(Accepted):2012-10-11。
基金项目(Foundation item):国家基础研究项目 (2010CB 951704)资助。[This work received funding from the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2010CB 951704).]
作者简介(Biography):方一平,男,浙江淳安人,研究员,博士生导师,从事产业生态、环境管理与山区可持续发展研究。 [Fang Yiping, male, professor, research fields cover industrial ecology, environmental management, and sustainable development in mountainous areas.]
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