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Spatio-Temporal Evolution Characteristicsof Extreme Precipitation in Sichuan Province, China
甘 露ab刘 睿ab*冀 琴ab李 想ab游 丽ab
重庆师范大学 a.地理与旅游学院; b.重庆市高校GIS应用研究重点实验室,重庆401331
GAN Luab LIU Ruiab* JI Qinab LI Xiangab YOU Liab
Chongqing Normal University, a. School of Geography and Tourism; b. Key Laboratory of GIS Application of Chongqing, Chongqing 401331, China
极端降水 时空演变 突变 周期 四川省
extreme precipitation spatio-temporal evolution periods mutation Sichuan province
极端降水作为极端天气的表征要素,极易引发灾害。为探明极端降水变化特征,本文选择受极端降水事件影响极大的四川省为研究区,基于1964—2016年逐日降水数据,通过构建区域极端降水指标体系,利用气候倾向率、Mann-Kendall突变检验、Morlet小波分析等方法,分析了极端降水事件的时空演变及影响因素。结果表明:四川省极端降水事件发生频率呈减少趋势,强度逐渐增加; 空间上总体呈现出由东南向西北减少,成都平原与川西山区的交错区域作为传统极端降水高发区域,极端降水频率显著下降,而川西山区极端降水频率与强度均呈现出增强的趋势; 研究区地形地貌特征决定了极端降水事件的分布特征,四川盆地盆周区域海拔的突变为极端降水特征差异显著的重要原因; 极端降水的周期变化呈现25~32 a长周期、13~17 a中周期以及5~8 a短周期的特征,振荡强度由强到弱; 极端降水量自1993年下降突变显著,强度自1984年增强突变显著。本研究可为极端降水事件研究提供方法参考,为四川省防灾减灾提供理论与数据支撑。
Global climate change has led to an increasing frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in China. Extreme precipitation, as a characteristic element of extreme weather, has severe disaster consequences. To find out the variation characteristics of extreme precipitation, in this paper, Sichuan province of China, which has been greatly affected by extreme precipitation events, was chosen as research target. Based on the daily precipitation data from 1964 to 2016, the regional extreme precipitation index system was constructed, and climatic tendency rate, Mann-Kendall mutation test and Morlet wavelet analysis were used to analyze the spatio-temporal evolution and influencing factors of extreme precipitation events. The results show that the frequency of extreme precipitation events in Sichuan Province had decreased and the intensity had increased gradually from 1964 to 2016; In space, extreme precipitation events generally decreased from southeast to northwest. As a typical area with high incidences of extreme precipitation, the interlaced area between Chengdu Plain and the mountainous area of Western Sichuan had a significant decrease in frequency of extreme precipitation, while the probability and intensity of extreme precipitation in Western Sichuan mountain both described an increasing trend; The topographical and geomorphic characteristics of the study area determined the distribution patterns of extreme precipitation events, and the abrupt change of elevation in the peribasin region of Sichuan Basin was an important reason for the significant difference of extreme precipitation characteristics. The cycle changes of extreme precipitation were characterized by a 25~32 year long cycle, a 13~17 year medium cycle and a 5~8 year short cycle, with a oscillation intensity change from strong to weak. The frequency had decreased significantly since 1993, and the intensity had increased significantly since 1984. This study provides a method reference for the study of extreme precipitation events and theoretical and data support for social and economic development, disaster prevention and mitigation in Sichuan Province.


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收稿日期(Received date):2020-06-18; 改回日期(Accepted date):2020-12-19
基金项目(Foundation item):国家自然科学基金(41801063); 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJQN201800541)。[National Natural Science Foundation of China(41801063); Science and Technology Development Project of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission(KJQN201800541)]
作者简介(Biography):甘露(1995-),女,四川达州人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:资源环境遥感。[GAN Lu(1995-), female, born in Dazhou, Sichuan province, M.Sc.candidate, research on remote sensing of resources and environment] E-mail: 2018110514037@stu.cqnu.edu.cn
*通讯作者(Corresponding author):刘睿(1983-),男,博士,教授,主要研究方向:资源环境遥感。[LIU Rui(1983-), male, Ph.D., professor, specialized in remote sensing of resources and environment] E-mail: liur@cqnu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-01-30