CAO Xingsong,WU Mengjun,LIU Shixiong,et al.Deformation Simulation of Steep overdip Stratified Surrounding Rock for Small Angle between Tunnel and Rock Strike[J].Mountain Research,2013,(04):385.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
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- Title:
Deformation Simulation of Steep overdip Stratified Surrounding Rock for Small Angle between Tunnel and Rock Strike
- 作者:
1. 重庆建工集团股份有限公司,重庆 401122;
2. 招商局重庆交通科研设计院有限公司,重庆 400067
- Author(s):
CAO Xingsong; WU Mengjun ; LIU Shixiong; FANG Lin; WANG Bo
1. Chongqing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.,Chongqing 401122,China;
2.China Merchants Chong qing Communications Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd. Chong qing 400067,China
- 关键词:
陡倾; 层状岩体; 围岩变形; 模拟试验
- Keywords:
steep overdip; stratified rock mass; surrounding rock deformation; model test
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Deformation characteristics of surrounding rock of tunnel in layered rock mass with steep dip angle and tunnel in homogenous rock mass is different. Based on Yajiang tunnel in funan highway in Chongqing, this paper makes a thorough analysis on deformation characteristics and mechanism of surrounding rock during excavation of tunnel in layered rock mass with steep dip angle by finite element calculation and model test. Research results show that: For layered rock mass with steep dip angle, bedding plane is the main structural plane, the tunnel excavation will cause the rock stratum in a certain range to become a free face, which will slip to the cavern to cause larger ground surface settlement. As the dip angle of rock stratum increases, the ground surface settlement will also increase. Deformation of surrounding rock of tunnel in layered rock mass with steep dip angle is asymmetric, and the Maximum deformation generally occurs in the bedding position, which is different from tunnel in homogenous rock mass. The conclusions can provide reference for future construction design of tunnel in layered rock mass with steep dip angle.
- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期(Received date):2013-05-25;改回日期(Accepted) : 2013-06-21。
基金项目(Foundation item):重庆市交通委员会科技项目2010-5。[Chongqing Municipal Commitlee of Science and Techonlogy Project,No.2010-5.]
作者简介(Biography):曹兴松(1972-),男,天津人,教授级 高级工程师,博士后,主要从事道桥及岩土、地下工程的研究。[Cao xing Song (1972-), male, Tianjin, senior engineer, postdoctoral, mainly engaged in bridge and geotechnical and underground engineering.] E-mail: songcx@126.com
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