 ZHONG Xianghao,LIU Shuzhen.Research on the Mountain Classification in China[J].Mountain Research,2014,(02):129.





Research on the Mountain Classification in China
中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所,四川 成都 610041
ZHONG Xianghao LIU Shuzhen
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science and Ministry of Water Conservancy, Chengdu 610041, China
mountain classification relief degreelargescale type
中国是多山的国家,山地类型多样复杂,开展山地分类研究很有必要。基于前人山地定义分析基础上,确定中国山地分类原则和基本思路,提出中国山地分类系统,共计分出6个类型,其中3个属于大尺度类型,适用于全国和跨省(区)制图,其余类型适用于县(区、市)制图;同时提出了每个类型的划分标准。基于SRTM 90 m分辨率的DEM数据,确定出大尺度类型,即山地大区、山地带和山地大类的分布范围,编制了相应的图件,并对各类型面积作了计量统计。结果表明,分布于不同海拔带的丘陵面积占中国陆地面积的18.2%;起伏度大于200 m的山地面积占中国陆地面积的55.2%,其中,低山、中山和高山面积分别占16.5%、14.8%和...
China is a mountainous country with the various and complex mountain types. The study on mountain classification in China is very necessary. Based on the analysis of the mountain definitions in past, the principles and ideas of the mountain classification in China are defined. On this base, the mountain classification systems which are divided into six types are advanced, and the division indexes for each of the types are qualified. Based on SRTM90 DEM datum, three types of largescale, which are the mountain great region, the mountain zone and the mountain big type respectively, has been extracted using method of GIS. The areas of these types are calculated. The results show that the areas of the hills distributed in different elevation account for 18.2% of the land surface in China; the mountain areas of the relief degree in excess of 200 m. account for 55.2%, of which the areas of low,middle and high mountains account for 22.5%,20.1% and 25.2% of the mountains in China respectively.


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收稿日期(Received date):2013-11-13。
作者简介(Biography):钟祥浩(1942-),男,广东五华人,研究员,主要从事山地环境与山地生态研究。[Zhong Xianghao(1942-),male,research professor,engaged in into mountain environment and ecology research.]
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01