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“City-Scene” Characteristics and Optimization Strategies Research on Three Gorges Reservoir Area of the Post-Three Gorges Era
毛华松1罗 评1廖聪全2*
1. 重庆大学建筑城规学院,重庆 400045; 2. 重庆市风景园林规划研究院,重庆 401147
MAO Huasong1LUO Ping1LIAO Congquan2
1. College of Architecture Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045; 2. Chongqing Institute of Landscape Planning,Chongqing 401147
三峡库区城镇 城景关系 文化景观 城镇形态优化
Three Reservoir Towns scene-city relationship cultural landscape integral form optimizing
Towns along the river of the Three Gorges Reservoir formed excellent and mutual integration“Scene-City” landscape form with natural and cultural landscape in Long-term symbiotic and evolution process. But with the implementation of the three gorges project, urban relocation, natural landscape flooded, the “Scene-City” pattern of reservoir towns affected and presents "fragmentation", "islands" of other features. The differentiation of city and landscape, the imbalance of scale, the fracture of context become pressing problem of integral form optimizing of reservoir area towns. This essay analyzesthe Scene-City construction of dynamic evolution of three gorges reservoir towns, pointed out that construction of post era of three gorges reservoir towns is the key stage of “Scene-City” integration and symbiosis. And the maintenance of pattern, the harmonic of space scale, the protection of live condition culture is the important strategy.Explore the theoretical support and practical guidance for harmonic the “Scene-City” relationship of the towns of the Yangtze Rivereconomic belt under the background of the national ecological, green strategy.


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收稿日期(Received date):2015-10-11; 改回日期(Accepted):2016-01-11。 基金项目(Foundation item):国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAJ15B00); 城镇群高密度空间效能优化关键技术研究(2012BAJ15B03)。[Project supported by national key technology of China(2012BAJ15B00); Eficiency Optimization of key technology research on high urban population density space(2012BAJ15B03).] 作者简介(Biography):毛华松(1976-),男,浙江人,博士,副教授,主要从事城市规划、历史街区保护、景观设计方面的研究。[Mao Huasong(1976-), male, born in Zhejiang, doctor,associate professor, major in urban planning, historic district protection, landscape design aspects.] E-mail:1594849686@qq.com *通信作者(Corresponding author):廖聪全(1973-),男,重庆人,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事城市规划、景观设计方面的研究。[Liao Congquan(1973-), male, born in Chongqing, senior engineer, major in urban planning and landscape design aspects.] E-mail:cqldp@163.com
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