 YIN Haoran,ZHANG Pingping,DONG Qingdong,et al.Evaluation on Climate Comfortable Degree for Ecotourism along Altitude Gradient in Qinling-Daba Mountain Areas, China[J].Mountain Research,2021,(5):710-721.[doi:10.16089/j.cnki.1008-2786.000632)]





Evaluation on Climate Comfortable Degree for Ecotourism along Altitude Gradient in Qinling-Daba Mountain Areas, China
河南大学 地理与环境学院,河南 开封 475004
YIN Haoran ZHANG Pingping DONG Qingdong CHEN Quantong ZHU Lianqi*
College of Geography and Environmental Science, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, He'nan, China
山地旅游 旅游气候 地形起伏度 温湿指数 气候舒适度 秦巴山地
mountain tourism tourism climate relief degree of land surface Temperature Humidity Index degree of climate comfort Qinling-Daba Mountains
F592.7; P463
山地为旅游气候资源开发提供天然场所。研究不同梯度下旅游气候舒适度对山区旅游产业发展具有重要意义。小尺度传统气候舒适度的评价模型未能考虑地形地貌的影响,不能准确地评价山地区域旅游气候适宜性。基于1987—2017年秦巴山地及其附近地区116个气象站点数据,采用温湿指数(Temperature Humidity Index, THI)结合气候舒适度评价模型,并运用梯度分析和克里金空间插值方法,分析了不同季节和不同县市行政区山地旅游气候舒适度,以及不同海拔高度下旅游的气候适宜状况,并对秦巴山区山地旅游气候适宜性做出评价。结果表明:(1)1987—2017年秦巴山地温湿指数逐年上升,但年际变化不明显,人体舒适度整体由东南向西北递减; 各县市旅游气候舒适性在3—12月经历了偏冷—舒适—偏暖的季节性转变,季节变化较快;(2)山区整体旅游气候舒适期是从4月开始,10月结束,以4—6、9—10月旅游最为适宜,部分县市适合开展理疗、避暑等生态旅游活动。分析发现旅游舒适度在中小型山地起伏度上最佳,分布范围较广;(3)盛夏时期(6—8月)旅游气候舒适度最佳海拔高度为1773.1~3000 m,海拔1500 m以上部分县市适合开展养生理疗旅游活动,海拔1100 m以上适合开展山地避暑旅游活动。本研究可为山地旅游产业可持续发展和居民社会生活质量的提高提供科学支撑。
Mountains have reservoirs of tourism climate resources which have not yet been comprehensively exploited. It is of great significance to study the tourism climate comfort under different gradients for the development of tourism industry in mountainous areas. Unfortunately, some popular evaluation models of climate comfort in mountain areas on a small scale basis often fail to interpret the effect of topographical factors from a large scale perspective, with low suitability and poor accuracy. In this study, data from 1987-2017 were collected from 116 meteorological stations over the Qinling-Daba Mountains. A series of Temperature Humidity Index(THI)were analyzed by our proposed climate comfort evaluation model. Furthermore, gradient analysis and kriging spatial interpolation methods were analyzed by climate comfortable degree for ecotourism in different seasons, different counties and different altitudes. The climate suitability of ecotourism in Qinling-Daba Mountain areas was evaluated. The results find that:(1)The THI of the Qinling-Daba Mountains increased each year from 1987 to 2017. However, the interannual changes were not obvious. Overall comfort level decreased from southeast to northwest. Moreover, a rapid seasonal change-colder-comfort-warmer-was observed in the tourism climate comfortable degrees of all counties and cities from March to December.(2)April-October was considered the most suitable climate comfort period in mountain, with April, May, June, September, and October were the best months to travel. Some counties and cities were suitable for developing ecotourism activities such as physiotherapy and summer vacation. Meanwhile, it was found that tourism comfortable degree was the best in low and medium elevations, and the distribution range was wide.(3)1773.1~3000 m was considered as the best optimum altitude of tourism climate comfort in midsummer(June-August). Some counties and cities above 1500 m were found to be suitable for developing health and physiotherapy tourism-related activities, and those above 1100 m were suitable for mountainous summer retreat activities. The results of this study provide scientific support for the sustainable development of mountain ecotourism industry and improvement of the social quality of life for local residents.


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收稿日期(Received date):2021-01-09; 改回日期(Accepted date): 2021-07-26
基金项目(Foundation item):科技部科技基础资源调查专项(2017FY100902)[Science and Technology Basic Work Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2017FY100902)]
作者简介(Biography):殷浩然(1996-),男,河南信阳人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:山地地理环境及生态环境质量。[YIN Haoran(1996-), male, born in Xinyang, Henan province, M.Sc. candidate, research on mountain geographical environment and ecological environment quality] E-mail: yjsyhr@163.com
*通讯作者(Corresponding author):朱连奇,男,河南郸城人,博士,教授,主要研究方向:山地地理环境与资源开发利用。[ZHU Lianqi(1963-), male, born in Dancheng, Henan province, Ph.D., professor, research on mountain geographical environment and resources development utilization] E-mail: lqzhu@henu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-09-30